BON SCOTT Homilies Linger Beyond The Grave

May 16, 2008

The West Australian reports: Most teenagers would probably think hanging out in a cemetery was a very uncool thing to do at the weekend unless you are Rebecca Dagnall, and the grave you are visiting belongs to the late AC/DC frontman Bon Scott.

When photographer Dagnall was 15, she made regular pilgrimages from her Thornlie home to visit Scott's gravesite at Fremantle Cemetery. At that stage a huge AC/DC fan and a lover of heavy metal, she looks back on these frequent vigils as much social gatherings as a tribute to a lost rocker with fondness and nostalgia.

"Me and my teenage girlfriends used to go down to Bon Scott's grave practically every second weekend and do what teenage girls do, which is drink beer and sit around talking and singing until 3am, then try to work out how the hell we were going to get home," she laughs.

Read the entire article at The West Australian.

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